Get treatment for all of your child’s needs.
Speech and Language Services
You and your child will participate in a comprehensive assessment to look closely at all areas of communication and oral-motor development. A standardized assessment can take up to two hours to complete, including parent/caregiver interviews and observation of your child. You will receive a formal report, goals, and recommendations.
Speech Articulation | $600
Feeding/Myofunctional | $600
Speech-Language | $600
We provide specialized services to treat: Oral Motor/Feeding Disorders, Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder, Articulation/Phonological Disorders, Speech Sound Disorders, Receptive/Expressive Language Delay, Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), Dysarthria of Speech, and Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS).
30 minutes | $95
60 minutes | $190
Eat Play Learn works collectively with fellow occupational therapist, Kelly Carino, owner of mOTivated kids, in a shared playspace to build social/emotional skills, language development, body strength and awareness, as well as sensory development in a collective effort to address skills across disciplines.